What is the difference between frontend, full stack and backend
Today, many people have a question, what is the difference between these concepts, so it’s worth understanding everything in more detail.
For example, a front-end specialist is engaged in the creation of website pages. Initially, the designer gives him a layout, and the developer creates a ready-made version from it, where all the elements are strictly in their places. Of course, there is also a check of how everything will look on different screens, for example, on a PC and a smartphone. This process is layout, so a specialist can be a layout designer, it’s one and the same thing.
But at the same time, often the task of such a specialist is to enliven the pages, that is, the buttons must respond to pressing, additional windows appear, and so on. And in this case, JavaScript is used. It is a programming language used in any browser.
But sometimes everything is not limited to simple pages, you may need a layout for different platforms or a layout used later by another specialist.
This specialist is responsible for the part of the site that is not visible to the user. That is, we are talking about information that the user saves and makes sure that it is saved in the right place and, if necessary, displayed.
There are two types of backend:
- Lightweight.
- Heavy.

The difference primarily lies in the use of certain programming languages. And it must be chosen based on the project or company. But most often choose RNR.
But at the same time, a specialist needs to understand what JavaScript is used for and how it works, and what layout is. For example, in the case of a lightweight backend, JavaScript would be the best solution. Layout is an important component of the work of a specialist.
Of course, if we are talking about PHP, then you also need to know frameworks in order to greatly simplify the workflow and save time.
And another feature of the work is the coverage of databases.
He must be able to absolutely everything, as he works with both the frontend and the backend. There is a combination of skills from two directions. But the pay here is much more.
That is, for work, you need to learn almost everything, rarely when you can become a full-fledged specialist in one direction.
You can often meet such a person freelancing, because you can complete complex projects alone and get good money.